Sponsors & Community

The Sponsors

We would like to thank our amazing sponsors for their support. Their sponsorship has enabled these awards to happen.

The WBCAs are not for profit and fully-funded by our sponsors, and from the ticket sales from the awards night. Once all the costs are covered, 50% of any surplus money will be donated to charity and any remaining funds will be reinvested back into making next year’s event – and further community outreach – even better.

Meet the Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Castle Green Homes 

NetWorld Sports 

Wrexham County
Borough Council

Gold Sponsors

Glyndwr Business Enterprise Team

Lloyds Banking Group

Silver Sponsors

Gorton Brothers


R-EV Power And Solar

RF Bellis



Part of the WBCA remit is to work with, and support, the wider community. We have plans for some low key outreach work this year but would like this to develop year-on-year to reach more people.

Our sponsors have also selected some wonderful charities and WBCA is working with AVOW to identify the best distribution of monies for our charitable donation.



Want to get in touch? Send us a message!

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